
Protecting against ISPs spying on/selling your info!

Ok, ISPs are legally allowed to sell your browsing history, but will they? Yes, yes they will!

What can I do to help stop them? Not much, but we will be going over how to... mostly

First, and most obviously, use a VPN. Note this will not fully protect you.

Ok, but what VPN should I use? Definitely not a free one! Do extensive research, and find out what VPNs doesn't sell info and try that.

I got a VPN! Now what? If you want to get deeper, try needl, an open source browsing data spammer.

Hold up, what the heck is that? Well basically it searches google for random searchs, and other random traffic. It does this in the background.

How does this help? Well, whenever someone/some bot is snooping through your traffic, all they see are 1000s of searchs for "John Doe" or something similar.

How do I install this wonderful tool? If you are on a modern Linux distro like, ubuntu or OSX, open terminal. Then type the following lines, 1 at a time.

cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/eth0izzle/needl.git
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 needl.py

This is assuming you already have installed, XCode Developer Tools (osx only), python3, and pip3. Also that you have turned off your VPN (temporary)

Just run needl for a while, then turn back on your VPN

This has been the ultimate guide to trolling your ISP by Kevin Roleke (kmak)